Shopska Salad

2 Dec

Do you need something healthy for your diet or just something to go well with your steak? Well, we have this suggestion for you! It’s the Shopska Salad* recipe!

shopska salata salad

Eko, 2012



4 tomatoes

2 cucumbers

2 roasted peppers or fresh green peppers

a bit of parsley

2 table spoons of chopped onion

1/2 pound of white feta cheese

a bit of salt,vinegar and oil

How to make?

Chop the vegetables in small pieces. Put them in a big bowl, then add the salt, vinegar and oil and stir well.

Bon appetite!

*The salad is a traditional Bulgarian dish, named after the citizens of the Bulgarian capital city Sofia who are called "shopi".

9 Responses to “Shopska Salad”

  1. ifollowmyheart December 2, 2012 at 8:27 pm #

    When I went to Bulgaria on backpacking holiday, we had Shopska Salad almost every day, for 17 days… But I still love it! Brings back really nice memories 🙂

    • prdragonfly December 2, 2012 at 11:03 pm #

      Is there any other Bulgarian recipe you like? We will be more than happy to post it out here! Or why not send us your favourite wicked recipe?

    • prdragonfly December 3, 2012 at 12:41 pm #

      We are glad that we could remind you of your time in Bulgaria. Which places did you visit there?

      • ifollowmyheart December 3, 2012 at 1:30 pm #

        We went to Varna, Golden Sands and a small village near Kotel (called Medven).
        It’s been almost 4 years since I went there, so I can’t remember any other names of dishes, but we especially ate a lot of chicken, which I don’t eat anymore because I became a vegetarian…

  2. prdragonfly December 3, 2012 at 7:57 pm #

    You have visited some of the nicest places, good job! And yes, there are many Bulgarian dishes with chicken such as chicken with potatoes baked in the oven, chicken with rice, etc.What made you choose to be a vegetarian?

    • ifollowmyheart December 3, 2012 at 8:48 pm #

      Well, it’s especially because of health reasons 🙂 I’m a dietician, so I know a lot about the effect of food on the body and the health, and because I read so much about cholesterol and saturated fats, and all the stuff you find in meat (especially in processed meats), I decided to not eat meat and fish anymore. And also because of the environment and the animals of course!

      Do you live in Bulgaria?

      • prdragonfly December 3, 2012 at 10:28 pm #

        Quite a difficult decision but well done 🙂
        We are a team of 5 PR students and 2 of us are from Bulgaria, there is also 1 girl from Russia and 2 more people from England

  3. diets that work December 7, 2012 at 10:07 pm #

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    • prdragonfly December 11, 2012 at 11:55 pm #

      Thank you for this wonderful feedback. We are doing our best to publish material of high quality.

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