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3 Dec

Want to make your own chocolate chip cookies? Well, Sarah-Grace knows how to make them and she’s not afraid to show you her recipe:

Mini pizza for huge pizza fans!

29 Nov

Few days ago we showed you an amazing video from Little Chefs because we all love pizza so much! Kids love it because it’s tasty; students love it because it’s cheap and easy to prepare; men love it because it’s perfect with beer and Italians love it because it’s pasta. However, ready-made pizza is not healthy at all while the one you can get directly on your door step is quite expensive. This is why we found an amazing solution for you! It’s the mini pizza recipe!

mini pizza sandwich

Gummies Daily, 2012


Sliced bread

Tomato sauce

Yellow cheese

Salami/ Ham


How to make?

Put some tomato sauce on each on of the bread slices. Put few pieces of salami or ham . Add some corn, mushrooms or pickles – anything that you like and cover them with cheese. Bake in pre-heated over for a couple of minutes. Usually takes about 15-30 minutes but you will know when they are ready when the cheese melts perfectly on the slice.

To avoid burning the bread, cover the bottom of the backing dish with foil!

Little chefs make pizza!

25 Nov

Ever wondered what’s going to happen if you let your kids do the cooking.. Here’s the video that summarises all your concerns:

“It is not physics – it’s just cooking.”

21 Nov

Cleaning up, doing the laundry and shopping are just few of many habits that university students have to get used to. Here are few advices for all first time student cooks..

cooking hell

The Chef Alliance, 2001

I spent a week watching shows and all I got from them was – absolutely nothing. I was so bored with watching people cooking these nice-looking meals that I instantly got bored, fell asleep or changed the channel. However, I decided to check if I really haven’t learned anything at all and I tried to cook some soup (which by the way ended up in the toilet).

Then I decided that I will buy myself a nice cooking book with popular food recipes.

Unfortunately, the cooking book was way too interesting in its first sections about nutrition so I basically started reading it as an ordinary book. I didn’t even got to the part with the recipes but even if I did – it would have been useless just to read some random cooking recipes the way I would usually read a newspaper.

Meanwhile my efforts to learn how to cook were noticed by my mother, who gave me a priceless advice: “You better start cooking now. Stop with that reading! It is not physics – it’s just cooking.”

Read the full article: HERE

How often do you cook with garlic?

15 Nov

Do you often cook meals that have garlic as an ingredient? Are you sick of trying to get rid of the smell which it leaves on your hands?

We have the ideal solution for you. After cooking with garlic, rub your hands several times on your stainless steel sink for 30 seconds before washing them. This will remove the odour!

Agronavt, 2012

Agronavt, 2012

More cooking tips at:

Salt sabotages your diet!

12 Nov

Our poll “How much salt do you consume?” showed some interesting results! About 70-75% of the people who voted ocasionally add some extra salt to their meal. The rest claim to use normal amout of salt. Find out more: HERE

So, here’s some advice from us! Ged rid of the salt from your diet! It sabotages your diet!

She Knows, 2008

She Knows, 2008

People tend to think that they would lose a few kilos really quick if they eat certain foods. For example it’s a good thing to have some fruits while losing weight because they help for the peristaltic. However, having 2 kilos of apples or an apple with every meal would have the opposite effect and it simply won’t work! It is also good to have some salad. However, if you have a salad with tones of salt, cheese, ham and anything but vegetables, it would be a huge mistake. Therefore, the best thing to do is to have an apple with your coffee or tea in the morning and perhaps another one in the afternoon. It would also be great if you have a salad with a bit of vinegar, perhaps some olive oil and if possible – without any salt.

Another big mistake is removing the sugar from your diet and meanwhile still consuming salt. It is way much better to have sugar in your coffee or tea instead of having a spoon of salt in your dinner. Sugar stimulates peristaltic where on the other hand salt is one of the main ingredients of fats! Add some water to the salt consumption and the sugar restriction. Here it is. You have the worst combination possible.

Source: Christina Petrova,

How to make the instant mashed potato taste like real one?

7 Nov

Many recipes include adding up potato mash or serving it with the ready meal. Yet, many people do not have the patience or the time to prepare it themselved and therefore, they use instant one (which most of the time tastes like chemicals or “plastic”). Here’s an idea how to make the instant mashed potato taste like real one!

eHow, 2012

eHow, 2012

First – read the “how to make” instructions for the instant mash you’re using. Put the mixture in a pan and use the magic skills of the oven.  Add some salt and about 150ml less boiling water than the instuctions say. Stir and add about 150ml hot milk. Stir again and add a some butter (a spoon or a bit more). Stir until you break down all the lumps. If part of the mash mixture hasn’t dissolved – add  a bit more hot milk and stir.