Tag Archives: carne

Chocolate Chilli Con Carne

10 Nov

Mix some chocolate with some meat and you have it – Chocolate Con Carne. But how to make it tasty? We have the perfect recipe for you!

BBC Good Food, 2012

BBC Good Food, 2012


500gr mince meat

1 large onion

1 red peppers

1 can red kidney beans

2 cans chopped tomatoes

2 tablespoons tomato paste

4-6 pieces of dark chocolate

How to make?

  1. Fry onions and place in skillet with mincemeat.
  2. Once meat is brown add chopped red pepper and cook to soft
  3. Once the red peppers are soft add kidney beans, tomatoes and paste
  4. Simmer on a lower temperature for half an hour
  5. Add chocolate towards the end of the cooking time and place into a 200 degrees oven for an hour

Source: Nigella