Tag Archives: cooking tips

How to make the instant mashed potato taste like real one?

7 Nov

Many recipes include adding up potato mash or serving it with the ready meal. Yet, many people do not have the patience or the time to prepare it themselved and therefore, they use instant one (which most of the time tastes like chemicals or “plastic”). Here’s an idea how to make the instant mashed potato taste like real one!

eHow, 2012

eHow, 2012

First – read the “how to make” instructions for the instant mash you’re using. Put the mixture in a pan and use the magic skills of the oven.  Add some salt and about 150ml less boiling water than the instuctions say. Stir and add about 150ml hot milk. Stir again and add a some butter (a spoon or a bit more). Stir until you break down all the lumps. If part of the mash mixture hasn’t dissolved – add  a bit more hot milk and stir.