Tag Archives: corn

Homemade Chinese rice

28 Nov

Craving for some Chinese? Why not make it at home in less than 20 minutes with our suggestion for homemade Chinese rice!

Top Indian Recipes, 2012


2 satchets of rice (to serve 4)

1 can of corn

1 can of peas

3 eggs


How to make?

Boil the rice. Fry the eggs and when they are ready add the peas and the corn and stir. After about 3-5 minutes, add some salt and then add the rice. Stir again.

This is how easy it is! You can also add some chichen or some noodle but it’s all up to you!

Tuna salad

18 Nov

Need something healthy? Well, here’s our suggestion for homemade tuna salad!

123 RF, 2012



1-2 tomatoes

1/2 cucumber

1 can of tuna

1/2 can of corn

Salt, vinegar and olive oil

How to make?

Cut the lettuce. Put the tomatoes and the cucumber. Put half of the can of corn. Add salt, vinegar and just a bit of olive oil. Then add the tuna and make sure you add its sauce as well. Mix good and you’re done!