Tag Archives: dish

Homemade Chinese rice

28 Nov

Craving for some Chinese? Why not make it at home in less than 20 minutes with our suggestion for homemade Chinese rice!

Top Indian Recipes, 2012


2 satchets of rice (to serve 4)

1 can of corn

1 can of peas

3 eggs


How to make?

Boil the rice. Fry the eggs and when they are ready add the peas and the corn and stir. After about 3-5 minutes, add some salt and then add the rice. Stir again.

This is how easy it is! You can also add some chichen or some noodle but it’s all up to you!

Delicious Omelette

13 Nov

Are you looking for a cheap but tasty recipe? We can help with that! Here is our recipe for delicious omelette!

Ugly Omlettes, 2008

Ugly Omlettes, 2008


2 eggs

a bit of cheese and ham

one table spoon sunflower oil

a bit of onion

2-3 pickles

How to make?

Chop the cheese/ham/onion/pickles into small pieces. Break the eggs into a bowl, stir and add all of the other ingredients in the bowl.

Put the table spoon of sunflower oil in a frying pan and let it stay on the hob for 2 minutes, then add the mixture in the frying pan and let it fry for 5-7 minutes.


Don’t forget that we would like to receive your feedback about our recipes as comments or directly to our email address which is  pr.dragonfly@yahoo.co.uk

Crocodile pie

9 Nov

Here’s the amazing recipe that Gabriela Vlahova just sent us on our e-mail: pr.dragonfly@yahoo.co.uk

Crocodile pie (Gastronom, 2008)

Crocodile pie (Gastronom, 2008)


For the dough:
1 pack of dry yeast
2 spoons of sugar
1 pinch of salt
1 egg
250 ml warm milk
6 tablespoons of oil
500 grams of flour

For the filling:

2-3 cabbage leaves
2-3 onions
500 g minced meat

How to make?

1. Mix the eggs, yeast, milk, vegetable oil, salt and sugar together. Weigh about 500 grams of flour and knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands. Form a ball cover with a cloth and leave it in a warm place.

2. Start with the filling. Fry the cabbage, onions and meat. Put some salt and add pepper.

3. Throw rectangular layer of dough, cutting the edges to be equal. Mind that the remnants of  the dough will  be used later on.

4. Put the dough in a big pan and cover it with filling. We start from the corners by making incisions in the selvedges – thick slices about 3-4sm. Crossing the shallow, leaving only the first (shape it as the head) and last (shape it as a tail).

Crocodile Pie (Gastronom, 2008)

Crocodile Pie (Gastronom, 2008)

5. Use the rest of the dough to form nostrils, eyes and legs. Use scissors to form the teeth and to decorate the whole body. Use your imagination!

6. Bake in oven at 200 degrees until browned. 10 minutes before you take it out, cover it with beaten egg.

Source: Gastronom, 2008

We hope you like this one! Many thanks to Gabi! Don’t forget to send us your wild recipes!