Tag Archives: dishes with meat

How to cook sidepork – the Swedish way!

17 Nov

Here’s a recommendation from us! If not for the amusing recipe, it’s worth to see the video for the incredible style of cooking.. Well, better see for yourselves!

Yum! Yum! Homemade burger!

14 Nov

Here’s a hilarious video we just found on YouTube:

This video made us laugh really hard. What’s more important – it inspired us to find the best Homemade burger recipe for you and here it is: BBC’s beefburger recipe. Yet, keep in mind that burgers are not  one of the most healthy meals out there and they are good only if you have them every once in a while.

BBC Food, 2012

BBC, Food 2012


For the burger:

540g/1lb 3oz minced beef chuck steak

25g/1oz chopped coriander

1 onion, chopped

1 tbsp Dijon mustard

1 free-range egg yolk

1 tbsp olive oil

salt and freshly ground black pepper

To serve:

4 slices mature Cheddar

4 tbsp mayonnaise

½ iceberg lettuce, shredded

4 ciabatta rolls

1 red onion, sliced

1 beef tomato, sliced

How to make?

Place all the burger ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir to combine. Using your hands, shape into four equal-sized patties. Preheat the grill to hot. Cook the burgers under the grill for 15 minutes, or until cooked through, turning once. Top each burger with a slice of cheese towards the end of the cooking time.

Before serving, mix together the mayonnaise and lettuce. Cut the ciabatta rolls in half and toast under the grill on both sides. Top the bottom halves of the ciabatta rolls with the lettuce and mayonnaise, followed by a slice of tomato. Arrange the burger and cheese on top of the ciabatta, followed by a slice of red onion. Top each burger with the other halves of the ciabatta rolls and serve.

Source: BBC Food