Tag Archives: food for kids


3 Dec

Want to make your own chocolate chip cookies? Well, Sarah-Grace knows how to make them and she’s not afraid to show you her recipe:

Baba Ganoush

1 Dec

Fancy something exotic and different.. maybe something tasty from the Middle East? Why don’t you try our suggestion for Baba Ganoush, recommended by Kamelia Petrova?

Baba Ganoush

Food, 2003


1 large eggplant
1/4 cup tahini, plus more as needed
3 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice, plus more as needed
1 pinch ground cumin
salt, to taste
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
1/4 cup brine-cured black olives, such as kalamata

How to make?

  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Lightly grease a baking sheet.
  2. Place eggplant on baking sheet, and make holes in the skin with a fork. Roast it for 30 to 40 minutes, turning occasionally, or until soft. Remove from oven, and place into a large bowl of cold water. Remove from water, and peel skin off.
  3. Place eggplant, lemon juice, tahini, sesame seeds, and garlic in an electric blender, and puree. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Transfer eggplant mixture to a medium size mixing bowl, and slowly mix in olive oil. Refrigerate for 3 hours before serving.

Chickpea and Lime Cake

30 Nov

Dying for something sweet and there’s no chocolate around? Here’s a solution for you! It’s our suggestion for Chickpea and Lime Cake!

cake chickpea and lime

National Baking Week, 2012


8 ounces canned chick-peas, drained

weight (240g, or 1 can)

3 eggs

1/3 cup sugar or 1/3 cup fructose

2 limes, juice and zest of

1 tablespoon poppy seed

How to make?

1. Grease and line the base of a 9″ cake tin.

2. Preheat the oven to 350F (175C).

3. Put the chickpeas in the food processor and blitz until smooth.

4. Mix in the eggs, sugar/fructose, the poppy seeds, the lime zest and half of the lime juice (keeping the remaining half of the lime juice for later).

5. Pour the mixture into the cake tin, and bake for about 45 minutes, until firm and brown. If it looks as though it’s getting too dark, cover with tin foil.

6. Allow the cake to cool in its tin for a quarter of an hour, then pour over the remaining lime juice.

7. Allow to finish cooling, then remove from the tin.

8. Serve in small slices.

Source: Food, 2006

Mini pizza for huge pizza fans!

29 Nov

Few days ago we showed you an amazing video from Little Chefs because we all love pizza so much! Kids love it because it’s tasty; students love it because it’s cheap and easy to prepare; men love it because it’s perfect with beer and Italians love it because it’s pasta. However, ready-made pizza is not healthy at all while the one you can get directly on your door step is quite expensive. This is why we found an amazing solution for you! It’s the mini pizza recipe!

mini pizza sandwich

Gummies Daily, 2012


Sliced bread

Tomato sauce

Yellow cheese

Salami/ Ham


How to make?

Put some tomato sauce on each on of the bread slices. Put few pieces of salami or ham . Add some corn, mushrooms or pickles – anything that you like and cover them with cheese. Bake in pre-heated over for a couple of minutes. Usually takes about 15-30 minutes but you will know when they are ready when the cheese melts perfectly on the slice.

To avoid burning the bread, cover the bottom of the backing dish with foil!

Homemade Chinese rice

28 Nov

Craving for some Chinese? Why not make it at home in less than 20 minutes with our suggestion for homemade Chinese rice!

Top Indian Recipes, 2012


2 satchets of rice (to serve 4)

1 can of corn

1 can of peas

3 eggs


How to make?

Boil the rice. Fry the eggs and when they are ready add the peas and the corn and stir. After about 3-5 minutes, add some salt and then add the rice. Stir again.

This is how easy it is! You can also add some chichen or some noodle but it’s all up to you!

Chicken Soup

26 Nov

Feeling tired? You want something to help you recharge your batteries but you’re on a diet as well? We have the best suggestion for you… It’s our Chicken Soup recipe!


Real simple, 2012


300 grams of chicken breast

2 onions

2 carrots

200 grams of potatoes

100 grams of vermicelli

A bit of oil and black pepper

A bit of parsley

1 lemon

How to make?

Put some oil on the frying pan, then chop the onions and meat and put it on the frying pan for 20 minutes. Put the carrots on the hob to boil for 10-15 minutes, then put the potatoes to boil as well. After the carrots and potatoes are boiled, we add the vermicelli and the salt and pepper. After the meat is ready, we add it in the pot with the other ingredients and let the whole mixture to boil. Once the soup is ready, add a bit of parsley and lemon and stir well.

Little chefs make pizza!

25 Nov

Ever wondered what’s going to happen if you let your kids do the cooking.. Here’s the video that summarises all your concerns:

Cheese & bacon scone pizza

20 Nov

Need something warm and tasty? Here is our suggestion for Cheese & bacon scone pizza recipe.

pizza with cheese and bacon

The sweets life, 2012


250 grams flour

1 tea spoon of salt

1 tea spoon of baking powder

50 grams of butter

2 eggs

1 table spoon of milk

1 table spoon of olive oil

4 rashers of bacon

5 spring onions

1 table spoon of tomato ketchup

6-8 cherry tomatoes

85 grams mature cheddar


How to make?

Heat the oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas 7. Mix the flour, salt and baking powder in a bowl, then rub in the butter until it disappears. Put the eggs and milk together in a separate bowl, then add them to the other bowl, stir well to make soft dough. Shape into a round on a lightly floured surface, lift onto a non-stick baking tray, and then press out to a circle about 24cm across to make the pizza base.

Put some oil in a frying pan; add the onions and the bacon there for 7-10 minutes.

Spread the ketchup over the pizza base, and then evenly tip over the bacon mixture. Scatter over the tomatoes, followed by the cheese. Bake for 15 minutes until golden.



19 Nov

Are you sick of all of the meat dishes? Would you like to try something new today? This is our suggestion for Mish-Mash recipe sent to us by Dora Markova!


Dayana-Joana 2012


3 chopped tomatoes

3 chopped red peppers

1 chopped onion

2 table spoons of oil

400g white feta cheese

3 eggs

a bit of parsley, salt & pepper


How to make?

1. Put the oil in a frying pan and heat it

2. Add the onions and the peppers and cook until onions are golden

3. Add the tomatoes and cook for additional 3 minutes

4. Add the cheese and eggs and cook for another 2-3 minutes

5. Sprinkle with parsley before you serve

Bon appetite!


Baked Apples

16 Nov

Are you in the Christmas Mood? We have a lovely idea for you about how to bring this Christmas Mood to your beloved ones just as well! Why don’t you try our Baked Apples recipe suggestion!

123 rf 2012

123 rf 2012


4 peeled apples

1 table spoon of softened butter

1/2 cup of brown sugar

1/4 cup of chopped walnuts

a sprinkle of cinnamon


How to make?

1. Core the apples

2. Mix the butter and sugar with the walnuts and the cinnamon in a big bowl

3. Fill the apples with the butter mixture

4. Put the apples in a baking tray and sprinkle with a little bit of water

5. Bake on a 300F oven until soft.

6. Serve with ice cream or vanilla syrup