Tag Archives: healthy eating

Salt sabotages your diet!

12 Nov

Our poll “How much salt do you consume?” showed some interesting results! About 70-75% of the people who voted ocasionally add some extra salt to their meal. The rest claim to use normal amout of salt. Find out more: HERE

So, here’s some advice from us! Ged rid of the salt from your diet! It sabotages your diet!

She Knows, 2008

She Knows, 2008

People tend to think that they would lose a few kilos really quick if they eat certain foods. For example it’s a good thing to have some fruits while losing weight because they help for the peristaltic. However, having 2 kilos of apples or an apple with every meal would have the opposite effect and it simply won’t work! It is also good to have some salad. However, if you have a salad with tones of salt, cheese, ham and anything but vegetables, it would be a huge mistake. Therefore, the best thing to do is to have an apple with your coffee or tea in the morning and perhaps another one in the afternoon. It would also be great if you have a salad with a bit of vinegar, perhaps some olive oil and if possible – without any salt.

Another big mistake is removing the sugar from your diet and meanwhile still consuming salt. It is way much better to have sugar in your coffee or tea instead of having a spoon of salt in your dinner. Sugar stimulates peristaltic where on the other hand salt is one of the main ingredients of fats! Add some water to the salt consumption and the sugar restriction. Here it is. You have the worst combination possible.

Source: Christina Petrova, Glipho.com