Tag Archives: jam

Jam Cheese Macaroni

5 Nov

Stephanie Stiavetti (2012)

Are you struggling to find good and healthy recipes for your children?  I can help you. This is my first suggestion: simple/cheap and most importantly tasty.


1 package of macaroni


1 package of mature cheddar cheese

1 table spoon of oil

How to make?

First, take a big pot. Add  1 table spoon of oil, then boil some water on the hob.  When the water starts to bubble, add the macaroni and stir occasionally. The macaroni should be ready in 10 minutes. Once they are boiled properly, add some cheese on top of them and microwave them for 1 minute so that the cheese can melt and then add some jam. My favorite type of jam is strawberry but you can experiment with cherry/apricot or whatever other flavor you prefer.