Tag Archives: lunch


6 Nov

You have some extra potatos? Wondering how to cook them? We have an untraditional suggestion for you! No, it’s not chips and it is called: “Moussaka”!

BBC Food, 2012

BBC Food, 2012

Beef & pork mince


1 Carrot

1 – 1 1/2 Onions

Salt, black pepper and olive oil

3 eggs

1 cup of yogurt

How to make?

Put some oil in a tray, then chop the potatoes, onionsĀ  and carrot in smallĀ  pieces. Mix them with the mincemeat, add the salt and the pepper. Stir for a while and cover the mixture with water. Put the tray in the oven and when the water evaporates, cover the meal with a mixture of eggs and yoghurt.