Tag Archives: meal

Delicious Omelette

13 Nov

Are you looking for a cheap but tasty recipe? We can help with that! Here is our recipe for delicious omelette!

Ugly Omlettes, 2008

Ugly Omlettes, 2008


2 eggs

a bit of cheese and ham

one table spoon sunflower oil

a bit of onion

2-3 pickles

How to make?

Chop the cheese/ham/onion/pickles into small pieces. Break the eggs into a bowl, stir and add all of the other ingredients in the bowl.

Put the table spoon of sunflower oil in a frying pan and let it stay on the hob for 2 minutes, then add the mixture in the frying pan and let it fry for 5-7 minutes.


Don’t forget that we would like to receive your feedback about our recipes as comments or directly to our email address which isĀ  pr.dragonfly@yahoo.co.uk