Tag Archives: pepperoni

Mini pizza for huge pizza fans!

29 Nov

Few days ago we showed you an amazing video from Little Chefs because we all love pizza so much! Kids love it because it’s tasty; students love it because it’s cheap and easy to prepare; men love it because it’s perfect with beer and Italians love it because it’s pasta. However, ready-made pizza is not healthy at all while the one you can get directly on your door step is quite expensive. This is why we found an amazing solution for you! It’s the mini pizza recipe!

mini pizza sandwich

Gummies Daily, 2012


Sliced bread

Tomato sauce

Yellow cheese

Salami/ Ham


How to make?

Put some tomato sauce on each on of the bread slices. Put few pieces of salami or ham . Add some corn, mushrooms or pickles – anything that you like and cover them with cheese. Bake in pre-heated over for a couple of minutes. Usually takes about 15-30 minutes but you will know when they are ready when the cheese melts perfectly on the slice.

To avoid burning the bread, cover the bottom of the backing dish with foil!